Counting zeros of Dirichlet L-Functions

Michael A. Bennett, Greg Martin, Kevin O'Bryant & Andrew Rechnitzer


Supplementary documents

Mathematica Packages

The results in the paper rely on substantial calculations in Mathematica. To facilitate those computations Kevin O'Bryant created a number of Mathematica pacakges. These may be of interest more generally so we give links to their repositories.

Code used in computations

Inequalities in Section 1

Proposition 3.2 - \( g(a,T) \) inequality

Lemma 3.4 - \( E(a,d,T) \) inequality

Section 6.1 - Large values of \(\ell\)

Section 6.2 - Middle values of \(\ell\)

Section 6.3 and Lemma 6.1 - Small values of \(T\) and \(\ell\)